Saturday, March 24, 2012

Double Ewe

Double Ewe is another new shop on the hop this year.  we asked Kelly Judson, the owner of Double Ewe, about her knitting story.  It's sweet...

"My knitting story begins…hmmm…come to think of it, I’m not sure where it really begins.  I have no memory of actually learning to knit.  I know I didn’t learn from my mom or my grandma, because my knitting style was completely different than theirs.  So, no warm, fuzzy memories of sitting with my grandma while she patiently guided my hands for me; I would have loved that, but it didn’t happen.
The thing is, even though I knew how to knit early in life, I didn’t really knit.  I just started, and started; never finishing anything.  Then years passed, and I stopped starting.  Nothing yarnie was going on in my life.  Then one day in about 2002, or maybe it was 2003, the details are sort of fuzzy, a friend of mine mentioned that she was taking a class and learning to knit a scarf.  Something clicked in my head, and I thought, “I should knit.”  So that day, I bought some yarn and some needles, and I started again.  And this time, I learned that I was totally capable of actually finishing.   

I haven’t been able to put down the needles since, and it just felt natural to open a yarn shop.  So for over five years, I’ve spent every day surrounded by yarn.    My knitting style has changed in those years, and now I knit exactly like my mom does, (and my grandma did).  It’s almost like they did teach me after all."

See we told you...sweet! 

1 comment:

  1. Like Kelly I knit early in life and then I tried to pick it up again as an adult. When I really started knitting though was in one of Double Ewes first classes, January five years ago. Kelly guided me and helped me learn everything I know. She's an incredible teacher and owner of my favorite yarn shop in the world, and I'm proud to call Kelly my friend. Thanks for opening Double Ewe, Kelly, and sharing your love of yarn with me! Double Ewe is like a home to me.
